DLC SSL V5 Technical Requirements updates due to COVID-19
On April 28, 2020, to address the disruptions to daily operations due to COVID-19, DLC has made adjustments to portions of Technical Requirements V5.0, effective immediately.
The updates to the policy are summarized below:
---Updates to SSL V5 Requirements in Response to COVID-19
● The deadline to update V4.4 products to V5.0 and V5.1 has been extended by 1 month.
● The deadline to submit V5.0 new product applications has been extended by 3 months.
● Dimming requirements for V5.0 Standard products have been postponed to V5.1.

---Premium Classification Correction to SSL V5 Requirements
● As of April 27, 2020, the V5.0 Technical Requirements have been corrected to allow for Linear-Style Retrofit Kits for 2x2, 1x4, and 2x4 Luminaires to be classified as DLC Premium. Products in these Primary Use Designations (PUDs) may apply for Premium classification under V5.0. However, beginning with V5.1, these products will be re-classified as Standard and will no longer have the ability to be submitted under the Premium classification.
The updates to the policy are summarized below:
---Updates to SSL V5 Requirements in Response to COVID-19
● The deadline to update V4.4 products to V5.0 and V5.1 has been extended by 1 month.
● The deadline to submit V5.0 new product applications has been extended by 3 months.
● Dimming requirements for V5.0 Standard products have been postponed to V5.1.

---Premium Classification Correction to SSL V5 Requirements
● As of April 27, 2020, the V5.0 Technical Requirements have been corrected to allow for Linear-Style Retrofit Kits for 2x2, 1x4, and 2x4 Luminaires to be classified as DLC Premium. Products in these Primary Use Designations (PUDs) may apply for Premium classification under V5.0. However, beginning with V5.1, these products will be re-classified as Standard and will no longer have the ability to be submitted under the Premium classification.